Episode 15 - 'North Star'

Episode 15 - 'North Star'

Hello hello, Somehow it is the end of April. Anyone else feel like March was eternal and April came and went in the blink of an eye?? We’re still in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic, so there’s not too much to report. But since it is still uncertain what the next few weeks will hold, we will be doing what we can every month. So you might hear a few more solo episodes, like this one, or if the stars align, we might have a guest on remote. We will be playing it by ear, JUST LIKE ON THIS SHOW!, but no matter what there will continue to be episodes.

This month’s episode is just me by my lonesome. I was unable to find a guest who could record remotely, so it’s just me and my musings. BUT I hope you don’t change that dial (???) because I dive deep into my thoughts and explore my experience of spending so much time alone and end up writing one of my favorite songs yet!




New episodes on the 1st of every month! Stay Tuned!

Episode 16 - 'Prayer of Protest'

Episode 16 - 'Prayer of Protest'

Episode 14 - 'Lil Bug' with Rochelle Riser

Episode 14 - 'Lil Bug' with Rochelle Riser